Solutions for your future needs.

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Welcome to the my website with an overview of the products and services provided by Harvey Garraway.

I provide values based financial goals to individuals, business owners, corporations and their employees.

I will help you to focus on long term financial goals while balancing this with your short and near term needs. We will analyze and plot your risk to reward expectations; then integrate this with a tax focused plan that will increase cash flow, reduce taxes and increase your net worth annually.

I partner with a team of experts to bring you the following financial products:

  • Mutual Fund & Segregated Fund Portfolio Management
  • Financial goals and Tax Planning
  • Life Insurance
  • Group Benefits & Group RRSP consulting
  • Business Succession and Business Tax Planning
  • Actuarial Services
  • GIC's

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Mutual funds, approved exempt market products and/or exchange traded funds are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc.

The particulars contained herein were obtained from sources which we believe reliable but are not guaranteed by us and may be incomplete. The opinions expressed have not been approved by and are not those of Investia Financial Services Inc. This website is not deemed to be used as a solicitation in a jurisdiction where this Investia representative is not registered.

Insurance products are provided through PPI.

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